March 10, 2011

Project Life - Day 38- I Am Life

I am Tanner. Tanner is Life.  One of the things that presented me with the greatest amount of "huh?" during the Greek phototrek was the diametrically opposed visual happenings. I watched Tanner sell his leather goods for the better part of an hour. Brisk business and he is, by nature I am sure, no nonsense. But here is where it gets confusing. He's selling his wares against a backdrop of 5000 year old ruins. I'm sure he isn't the first tanner to sell in this spot - and likely not the last. Customers quibble over drachmas and he quibbles back. Thing is, the stones know that whatever the customer buys is a shallow material thing and shall not be long remembered. But this place, that stone will be forever there. Tanner is Life. Life is dichotomy.


About This Blog

Project Life is an attempt to inspire, to recognize and celebrate the essential commonality of all persons. Photography doesn't always depict how we really are, but more how the photographer views us. This is my view.

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