February 8, 2011

Project Life - I Am Life - Day 19

This is Beggar. Beggar is Life. Those who travel to New York or other metropolitan cities are familiar with beggars and have a degree of apprehension when dealing with them. In Italy - Venice in particular - begging was banned as of 2008. The approach of Venetian beggars is quite different to the states. Most in Italy merely sit quietly with an upheld cup (or can in this case), drawing very little attention. What captured me was how still he remained while sitting upon the ground. If begging has decorum, this man wrote the manual. This is Beggar. Life is Begging.


About This Blog

Project Life is an attempt to inspire, to recognize and celebrate the essential commonality of all persons. Photography doesn't always depict how we really are, but more how the photographer views us. This is my view.

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